October 9th NASA has set to bomb the fucking moon. From what I have read it is for research to see if there is water on the moon in order to support the spacemen in their wild journeys to mars. The rocket they are launching at the moon ways 2 tons and will crash into a crater at 5,600 mph, to create a new crater, up to 5 miles wide. It makes me think about all the shit Earth has been through. How humans have this uncontrollable thirst for "more" and do the craziest shit to get it. I mean, it is what it is. ya know there are theories that some ancient dudes did this like a bigillion years ago. And now where are they? Right? NASA .
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Some cactus only bloom once every 12 years for like only 2 days. That is rad.
““The internal dialogue is what grounds people in the daily world. The world is such and such or so and so, only because we talk to ourselves about its being such and such and so and so. The passageway into the world of shamans opens up after the warrior has learned to shut off his internal dialogue.””
I fucking love me some Nirvana. I love the angst. I love the power. I love the truth. Love it. My brother took me to Nirvana for my 12th birthday. He told me he was taking me to see a Sonics game. I met him downtown at Abruzzi's Pizza, on Pike between 7th and 8th....I think. It was right by the Gay 90's, which was on the corner of Pike and 7th, kinda by the Sheriton. Maybe Im making this up..... lets google image it and see if we can find any result.
Well there is this one, the adress was 604 Pike street. Whatever.
So we head to the Seattle center to go to the game. On the way this guy was like "hey you wanna buy two tickets to Nirvana?" I freaked out, "Please Andy please they are my favorite band!" MY brother looked at me and said no. I was bummed. But then he said "Cause we already got tickets."
It was crazy. Its hard to remember it all but I do remember the merch stand and Andy buying me the insesticide T-shirt, it was my favorite record at the time. Now my favorite record is In Utero. My mom hated that record growing up, probably still does. She would always yell "Eat your cancer???? What does he mean EAT YOUR CANCER??" And I remember smelling reefer for the first time. I remember my brother leaving me with these guys, I assume they were friends of his but who knows, to go into the mosh pit (so funny) and when he came back he lost his chuck tailors is the pit. They either opened or closed with "Anurism" which is when I fully came into realization of Dave Grohl, and what being a kick ass drummer meant.
I wish there were more pictures of what Seattle looked like. There is this documentary called Street Wise that was filmed in Seattle in the 80's, I will still pretty young then. Its crazy, it just follows around these kids that live on the streets, the girls turn tricks and they boys steal and shit. The main kid in it is so young, like 12 or something. His outlook and features and voice are so intense. Really good documentary. Maybe its on the YouTube. Lets check.
Yep, It looks like you can watch all of it. Here is part 1.
Marta Beckett. Get to know this woman. She grew up in the 30's and knew she wanted to be an artist by the time she was four years old. She danced professionally in New York for a few companies and had some success choregraphing many of her own ballets. But then she saw some psychic woman who told her she would be leaving the big city and would find herself in a small town starting with the letter "A". She would do the best art of her life there. Well, it happened. Driving through California, I think it must be the 70's by now, she stopped in Death Valley for gas. There she found an abandoned theatre and new this was where she was sopossed to be. She never made it back to New York. She has spent the rest of her life in Death Valley, the towns original name Armagosa, (the psychic was kinda right!) renovating the theatre and performing for her small town constantly. As it is somewhat well known that Death Valley is haunted, she has had several expiriences with the spirits there, has photographs of them, and when she passes she plans on staying there as well. Pretty fucking rad. Her story is one of incredible dedication to creativity and her talent is huge. She is still there today and still dancing. Next time you pass through check out her art, it will blow your mind.
Rocky and His Friends (aka: The Riddlers) Seattle, Washington About 1965
Members Jeff Beals ~ Bass "Shuga" George Clark ~ Drums Dan Denton ~ Saxophone Dave Fast ~ Trumpet Chris Gaspard ~ Keyboards Jeff LaBrache ~ Drums Kevin Mason ~ Vocals Alan Park ~ Lead Guitar Rocky Rhodes ~ Percussion Ric Ulsky ~ Keyboards
This is a recording of my dads band from the 1960's from here in Seattle. Way cool.