Saturday, October 3, 2009


I haven't been posting too much here on the Wild Life cause my attention has been focused on a new blog I am writing with a couple of girlfriends of mine. One being Miss Kamara Thomas, a very magical amazing woman who lives in New York. We have been friends for years and played in many kick ass bands together. So many miles apart from each other we have found a new way to collaborate---Witch Party. The second being Calixte. She is one of the most inspiring, beautiful women I have been lucky enough to know. We also played in a band together in New York, since then she has traveled the world and now lives in Colorado. Both these ladies are incredibly intuitive, strong, creative, smart, and totally hot. Witch Party posts essays and blurbs about all things metaphysical, things that a seeker stumbles upon on the path of life. Check it out, its really fun and it has allowed me to work with some of my favorite people again.


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